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Friday, June 28 • 1:00pm - 2:30pm
4C) Teaching Ancient Greek at the Secondary Level: Who, Where, What, How, Why? (90 minutes)

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Who is teaching ancient Greek at the secondary level? A comparison of the number of students who in 2023 took the National Latin Exam (~97000 in the US alone) vs those who took the National Greek Exam ( ~1500 “from 147 high schools, colleges, and universities in the US and around the world” - per the NGE website) reveals that few secondary schools offer ancient Greek. This paucity may not surprise us, but it would be fruitful for those of us who still teach Greek (Classical or Biblical) to converse about its future in secondary education. Topics for discussion may include: the kinds of schools & programs we teach in (public, private/independent, parochial, charter); the textbooks we use & the curricula we have developed (grammar- & vocabulary-based, reading-based, comprehensible input); strategies for fortifying our existing programs and potentially expanding them; and initiatives for connecting & collaborating with college-level Greek teachers.


Ric Rader

Montgomery Bell Academy, Nashville, Tennessee

Friday June 28, 2024 1:00pm - 2:30pm MDT
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