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Thursday, June 27 • 2:30pm - 3:30pm
1B.1) The Roman Road Project (60 minutes)

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In the winter of 2023, my Roman Technology students built a Roman road through our school’s campus. Partnering with the local Department of Transportation and Development, they learned how to use ancient surveying equipment, move stone, pour concrete, and work collectively to create a 160-foot-long sidewalk (in the style of an ancient Roman road) that helped their fellow students. In this presentation, you’ll hear the story of our process, what we learned about ancient and modern civil engineering, and how we accomplished what ancient Roman soldiers did all over the Roman Empire. In addition, you’ll learn how this project became an engaging outreach opportunity for classics.

avatar for Nathalie Roy

Nathalie Roy

Teacher - Creative Classics, Glasgow Middle School
I'm a classics nerd who teaches Latin, #MythMakers, and #RomanTechnology, STEM classes in which we recreate the products and processes of the ancient Romans and Greeks through experimental archaeology.

Thursday June 27, 2024 2:30pm - 3:30pm MDT
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